"AOL Broadband now offering a free Sony PlayStation 3
The free laptop offer from AOL Broadband launched in September 2007 is continuing and has been expanded. The latest offer is a free Sony PlayStation 3, for those signing up to AOL Broadband Wireless Plus.
Of course, something like a PS3 for free does come with some conditions. The service has a 24 month contract and requires you to sign up to an AOL Talk call plan (the Pay As You Go Plan is included in the £19.99 bundle). For those not in an area that AOL has unbundled the monthly fee increases by £10.
One possible source for confusion is the wording "Yours to keep forever * Provided you are provisioned with AOL Broadband". This refers to the 24 month contract period, and means so long as you keep your broadband with AOL Broadband, you get to keep the PS3 after the 24 months."
That's not a bad deal at all to be fair. Basically means you get the PS3 completely free for staying on AOL for 2 years, or free broadband for 2 years for buying a PS3.
In other news, Assassin's Creed is like being married to a bimbo- no discerning intelligence or mental stimulation between you for hours on end, and then just as you're having second thoughts about the arrangement, she fucks your brains out like no-one has ever done before, and all is right with the world. Repetitive gameplay? Yes. Simple narrative? Yes (barring the massive twist, but that happens right at the beginning). Do I keep coming back for more? Oh hell yes. It's not without it's (major) flaws, but it's just sooooooooo good at what it does. The visuals are the most stunning next-gen graphics I've yet seen (including CoD4), the thrill of gently pushing through a crowd to assassinate someone, then escaping over the rooftops and blending into the crowd just never dies. I give it 8 Stabbings out of 10.